Keep up with the latest news from Bottled Ocean.
Fish Heaven: Coastal Angler Magazine
Published May 1, 2011
Coastal Angler Magazine Article by Jessi Blakley, APR Living in Central Florida, the state’s tourism capital, we often take for granted the various entertainment options available to us. From Mickey Mouse to Harry Potter, Central Florida's got it covered. Within our tourism mecca, however, there are a number of “hidden” amenities and perks available to…
For Bottled Ocean Inc., it’s all fishy business
Published January 7, 2011
Bottled Ocean Inc. CEO Greg Lund (Photo credit: OBJ, Jim Cardichi) Warehouse space isn’t just a production area for Bottled Ocean Inc. — it’s a rehabilitation center. But not for people. Rather, the Orlando-based custom aquarium/coral maker, maintenance and sea-life rescue firm needed to make sure its space was large enough to accommodate eight 55-60…